The Water Smart Irrigation Professional (WSIP) program was created by Landscape Ontario, in partnership with the Region of Peel and the Regional Municipality of York, to help promote and make water efficient irrigation the new industry standard.
Select Landscape Ontario Member Irrigation firms are approved, trained and entrusted to ensure highly qualified irrigation WSIP services.
WSIP certified company owners and technicians complete a three day course that focuses on the importance of water efficient irrigation, and how to effectively and accurately perform irrigation assessments using WSIP data management software.
Residents and property owners/managers can hire a WSIP certified contractor with confidence and trust that their system is maintained properly. These contractors promote healthy, beautiful landscapes by measuring and applying the correct amount of water.
WSIP certified contractors can support your environmental and landscape goals by determining:
- How much water your irrigation system is using
- The correct amount of water required to maintain a healthy, beautiful landscape
- The savings you can achieve by applying the correct amount of water